FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - PR Squared / Panikbluete

Amazon Noir – The Big Book Crime - Out of court settlement

UBERMORGEN.COM feat. Paolo Cirio, Alessandro Ludovico

The Bad Guys (The Amazon Noir Crew: lizvlx, Bernhard, Cirio, Ludovico) stole
copyrighted books from Amazon by using sophisticated robot-perversion technology
A subliminal media fight and a covert legal dispute escalated into an online
showdown withthe heist of over 3000 books at the center of the story.

Lizvlx from UBERMORGEN.COM had daily shoot outs with the global mass-
media and continuousely pushed the boundaries of copyright (books are just
pixels on a screen or just ink on paper), Bernhard resisted kickback-bribes from
powerful until they finally gave in and sold the technology for
an undisclosed sum to Amazon. Betrayal, blasphemy and pessimism finally
split the gang of bad guys.

The good guys ( won the showdown and drove off into the blistering
sun with the beautiful femme fatale, the seductive and erotic massmedia.

>> continue on the next page


Pirates of Amazon: Download Addon
BOOK THEFT IN BASEL: story&press

Sample Books: 7 pdfs Ready for Download
Interviews: interview.pdf / Video-Interview
Exhibitions: DEAF 07 , Laboral Spain, Share Festival
Flickr Image Set: Gfx - Slideshow Seals
User Communication: Emails
Thieves of the invisible Text: thieves.html
Dialogue: dialogue.html
Article: M/C-Journal: Piracy-Distribution-Control