Then we definitively stole the invisible.
We hacked the system, we built a malicious mechanism (Amazon Noir) able to
stress the server software, getting back the entire books we wanted, at request.
It was a question of creating a so-called 'foolingware'. We actually think that in
the future we will be remembered as the predecessor of 'foolingware', and now
we feel guilty about that. So we started to collect piece by piece the yearned
body of culture with increasing excitement and without a pause.
We wondered. What is the difference between digitally scanning the text of a
book of yours, and obtaining it from Amazon Noir? There is no difference. It
would be only discussed in terms of the amount of wasted time. We wanted
to build our local Amazon, definitively avoiding the confusion of continuous
purchasing stimuli.
So we stole the loosing and amusing relation between thoughts. We stole the
digital implementation of synapses connections between memory, built by
an online giant to amuse and seduce, pushing the user to compulsively consume.
We were thieves of memory (in a McLuhan sense), for the right to remember,
to independently and freely construct our own physical memory. We thought
we did not want to play forever under the peep-show unfavorable rules.
But we failed.
We failed and we were in the end corrupted, and we had to surrender to
the copyright guardians.
We failed breaking into the protectionist economy.
We failed, because we wanted to share and give away.
Dialogue: dialogue.html